Sunday, November 17, 2019

Maxwell oh Maxwell

Why with the title?
Because John Maxwell is one of my favourite 'online mentor' for personal growth, other than Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn and Ken Blanchard.
And these past few days, I got excited, when I learned that he is on podcast.
So I download all of his podcast, as much as I can get, and as much as my phone memories can bear :p

Since 2 days ago, I have been repeating his podcast titled "winning is an inside job".
The most relevant key takeaway for me is "take responsibility of your life, you want to grow. Stop making excuses", and "learn from successful people".

And then he points-out the key characteristic that might be in those people, in his experience those people has at least some out of 10 of them.

I then remember, one of the words of a female global leader that came to my office said. When asked what is her key success factor, one of it being "I have a journal. Everynite I wrote what works and what don't. What could have been better. And I learn from that experience"

I would say that is her 'taking responsibility of her life'. Maxwell said, you cannot win if you do not take responsibility of your life. Because if you don't take responsibility, then you will not learn. If you do not learn, you will not win.

As simple as that. They have proven this formula. And it works. So why not give it a try?


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